Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Self-Motivation: The Key

What I immediately need to do it is  re-orient myself. Focus is very important. It keeps going and coming. In a set of environments like this, where you live far far away from home in a company of different people, the key factor which needs to be kept alive is Self-motivation. I remember how I used to think differently when Sir(my Guide) used to say this in the beginning about Self-motivation. I used to perceive it as a motivational speech or dialogue that every Professor gives to his students. But, now I realize what he meant when he told all that. A midst all circumstances, good, not-so-good, the question is how to alwayd keep the fire burning. How to always keep yourself motivated? Certainly one time or other you will get dull for xyz reason and then all you do is stop doing things. It is like you enter a lag phase where all you do is save your energy and try to cope up with the adverse conditions outside. I dont want this lag phase for myself. Is it too difficult to achieve? What is the funda..the master cocktail? 

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Reflections of 2023