Saturday, August 31, 2019

Rebuttal to Pakistani scholar's biased article

Recently, two of Pakistani scholars published an article in the Fulbright group on Facebook (Fulbright group on Facebook is an international group where Fulbrighters across the globe are part of). No point guessing, how biased and dispirited article that was. It was merely a medium to propagate the false propaganda that they are crying to the world to pay heed. But, no luck. First, I thought, let's ignore it, but then I happen to share this with a long-time friend of mine, Prabhat and he came up with an idea to write a rebuttal. I jumped into it. However, due to a busy schedule, I could not really contribute much but a little. Thus, I want to give credits to Prabhat for articulating such a nicely written article. We shared it on the Fulbright group and it welcomed a chain of comments, thoughts and of course criticism. But I am happy that we could convey our point of views. Now it's up to people to make any opinion, for now, we have given them another side of the coin. Here's the link:

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