Sunday, March 29, 2009

School Of Life

Changes happen whether you want it or not, whether you like it...or ignore it. And when you wish it, does It happens or not?

Let me discuss the Uncertainty principle… not the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle but life’s uncertainty principle from my angle.

What is life? Who are you? And why are you here?

Once, was asked, a simple question, “Who are you”. Appeared a simple question, but couldn’t answer.
These questions bug me sometimes.

Life is so uncertain, and all you can do is nothing.
It’s full of happiness, sorrow, excitement, regret, anger, love,hate at one or other hour.Life without uncertainty is also no life. We are constantly living with some uncertainty in our respective lives. What I have been observing is that uncertainty keeps progressing with the complexity of life.

But on second thought, It feels, the more uncertain when life becomes, the more potential it acquires.. to emerge differently.
The more uncertain are the times for you, the fuller you are living your life. isnt it? You are living your life !!

Seen the movie ‘School of life’ lately- really inspiring.

Life is moving with a great pace. At times, I pause to realize that this particular time is never going to be back in life. Like these past three months, as if was one day and spent in blink of eye, but if I sit to evaluate... it was really something.
It has been changing and it is… even today. The Life!
Everything is getting cleared slowly but steadily.
Days are passing without a halt. God has the best time-table ever made . its going on and on....the flow somehow only slowing for a weekend to some extent. Again it picks the speed and keeps flowing. But the thing is whether this is part of everybody’s life even if they accept it or not OR is it me only?
Otherwise Life is good and I am happy. And like I said before, it’s full of uncertainties… just that…

Embrace it, live it!!

Uncertainty and expectation are the joys of life. Security is an insipid thing, through the overtaking and possessing of a wish discovers the folly of the chase.
William Congreve

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best blog, ever...!!!

~ N<
