Thursday, December 24, 2009
Rathore: Protector turned Predator
I was taken aback when I saw in the news how the prime convict in Ruchika’s molestation case walked out with a shameless-smile on his face after hearing his punishment from the court. He easily made a mockery of our judicial system. Ruchika was 14 years when she was molested and when she protested, she was caught in a dirty political game where big names were involved including ex-CM of Haryana. Three years later, expelled from school, her brother was regularly tortured and was framed in more than 11 false cases. In short, her life was made hell by Mr. Rathore who was holding a big rank at that time which he had got for definitely not doing what he was doing. Overwhelmed by what her family was going through, she committed suicide… In spite of all that, he grew from height to height and retired as a respectable police officer...
What a shame Mr. Rathore!!
But the sad part is that he had no sign of remorse on his bloody face when he heard about his conviction. Instead he was smiling. I felt like slapping him. I just want to ask him how he would have felt had the same thing happened with his daughter or daughter-in-law if he has any? Would he still be smiling?
You know, actually we are expecting for no reasons. We know he’s the culprit, We know he has cost the life of a budding tennis player, leave all that, he, who has seen all the wealthy (and sexual) pleasures of life had scourged the life of a 14 year child who had seen nothing in her life. But the Indian Law thinks molesting somebody is not a crime of that level which we are expecting. Nobody knows, had Ruchika not complained about him, he could have even raped her. Given the lust he was having, too weak to control himself, that old dumbshit Rathore could have done anything.
Actually,the law gives so much respect to old age, that even the molestation of a kid forcing her into suicide becomes a little scar that would heal in time and therefore Rathore was reported saying, “It's a very old issue. Forget about it now”.
I m feeling so bad. Its like loosing your trust on everything. How long will we continue believing “ Bhagwan ke ghar der hain magar andher nahi”
A 'der’ of 19 years is too much.
C’mon we can hear some stricter punishment…
Sunday, December 13, 2009
How I missed my train...

I had booked my seat in Puri New Delhi Express for 10th Dec in the month of November only. Going home after so many days and after successfully completing the first semester was a reason to be excited. Our exams got over on 26th November Everybody was going home daily.. Well, I could have left on 27th Nov only but I decided to go on 10th Dec because of friends (:P), Grades that were scheduled to out on 5th Dec and project allotment thereafter.
The day came eventually, that evening of 10th I can not just forget. I was happy and excited, to the degree that when my friend told the train is late for 11 hours I dint listen to him. Though I wasn’t wrong on my part because in one of the website which I tried to look for train timings it was showing me it to be late by 1.5 hours and frankly telling I never knew trains can get late by 11 hours. :O
So, I bid adieu to everyone and left for railway station. I remember, when I was half way through I was praying to God that the news about train delay must turn out as false because I had to answer my friend... but when I enquired at the counter, it was indeed late for good damn 12 hours. Holy shit! Now that meant, I had to then board the train at 6 in the morning. Came back to hostel with a low face. Next morning, was finally the day to go home. So I put my phone alarm to 3:20 am so as to get ready by 4 to leave for railway station.
But ..."The alarm didn't go off!" Damnnn...what to do now? I yelled as I flung the covers off and flew out of bed. It was 10 minutes to 6 in the morning and I had to be at the station by 6. Frantically brushing teeths grabbed the luggage and ran out of the door to the main gate. Immediately Called up friend and both of us just ran to railway station. I remember, how in rickshaw I was praying to my God....Reached station, platform no.6..... when asked a tea stall owner, bloody crackpot told the train has yet not arrived... took a deep relief and I turned bubbly , but when on the second time, asked another tea stall man, he told my train had JUST left kharagpur.. I must have looked so funny fumbling around trying to catch the already-left train. I literally broke into tears..the moment was awful, dint wanted to go back to the campus again 2nd time or for that matter at all, since I was all so ready to go home. Cried a lot...and was angry at myself for not telling anyone to wake me up at that time.
As they say, everything happens for something good. Let’s take the good thing out of this episode and be careful the next time :)
But why it happened , I will reach home AFTER 3 days now :( :( :(
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I don’t know what has happened to me…but ever since I have arrived here at IIT kgp, every woman in saree or for that matter ANY woman reminds me of my mom.There is one time in day when I really go sad n feel incomplete. I miss my mom the most... I m just being sentimental and emotional right now while writing this post waiting for my Prof. to come with wet eyes...hope to get out of thios hangover soon...
Following excerpt i ve taken from somewhere, like to share here...
"Because I'm a woman," she told him.
"I don't understand," he said.
His Mom just hugged him and said,
"And you never will, but that's O.K.".......
Later the little boy asked his father,
"Why does Mom seem to cry for no reason?".
"All women cry for no reason," was all his Dad could say......
The little boy grew up and became a man,
still wondering why women cry.
Finally he put in a call to God and when God got back to him, he asked "God, why do women cry so easily?"
GOD answered......
"When I made woman,
I decided she had to be special.
I made her shoulders
strong enough to carry
the weight of the world, yet,
made her arms gentle enough to give comfort...
I gave her the inner strength
to endure childbirth
and the rejection
that many times will come
even from her own children.
I gave her a hardness
that allows her
to keep going and take care
of her family and friends,
even when everyone else gives up, through sickness and fatigue without
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all
circumstances. Even when her child has hurt her badly....
She has the very special power to make a child's boo-boo feel better and
to quell a teenager's anxieties and fears....
I gave her strength to care for her husband, despite faults
and I fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart....
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but
sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him
For all of this hard work,
I also gave her a tear to shed.
It is hers to use
whenever needed and !
it is her only weakness....
When you see her cry,
tell her how much you love her, and all she does for everyone, and even though
she may still cry, you will have made her heart feel good.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wackier the better
Without letting him guess your intensions…
Ask me how…
Just give him a friendly advice to have the same broadband connection as mine.
He will die off!
(Out of frustration; obviously)
P.S : i welcome ideas, from all people IN THE WORLD ; on how to teach them(my internet service provider) a lesson. Sooner the better!
I am serious : !
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Time and again...
The hot and sultry summers are here again!!! And every day is a Sunday...yay!! Once again it’s a vellapanti time...Wohoo!!! So… sitting idle, I once again am a Proud vella... Peacetime!
Everyone has friends so do I. Nothing great. But my friends like everyone else’s are unique and special for me.
It’s a need for all to have somebody to whom u can share any crap, any weird plans, celebrate, frustration-nikalo, disclose dark secrets…or may be irritate just like that. In friendship, according to me, what matters the most is the comfortable-ness. Life becomes simple when you have with you that person, in the same predicament, contemplating on the same choices, apprehensive about the same decisions and always lending ears to you for any of your crap to consider a topic of utmost relevance when you thought nobody will listen to it. Even if you are the strong person from outside, there’s a li’l dumb innocent kiddo within you and this kid sometimes can’t act wisely... then he/she surrenders him/herself to his friends assured of that nothing gonna happen to you as long as your friends are there.
Actually, the thing is I m feeling li’l nostalgic and as we(my group) says most often …feeling ajeeb sa...
When I was bored or when I was bubbly, when I was sad or when I was happy, and when I was just nothing to time when I‘ll be someone, I know I’ll have my friends with me. But, why m I writing all this when there’s actually no need to pen down a thing which is understood…oh ,I m feelin ajeeb sa... I love my best friends and I m really gonna miss them :(
I believe with time, everything falls into its appropriate place. Everything becomes crystal clear.I m growing and learning with time. But the worst part of growing up is that at some point in life, you are to depart from your close ones. And you loose them. Sometimes to distance, sometimes to fate, sometimes to time itself. Its a big big world...and you have the work pressure, career etc. to think of. We all are working towards finding a place for ourselves under the sun. So, it’s assumed, no matter what but you have to be moving on. You can’t do much about it. You give up to time…
For me time is moving really fast and soon I am going to enter an orbit where the baffling thought would be just “Time value and Focus”.
Whenever I was unsure of the things, I used to call and share with my best-est buddies…now the scene will be different. A new world….. new people… everything new… li’l skeptical…
But when I think about this cute friend of mine.. There is a smile on my face :) ..u rock!!! In very short period of time we have become very good friends. Though we irritate each other, do legpulling, assign lots of weird names to each other …hehe..Yet,We do not follow any copyrights, Yeah? (It’s actually ‘to copy right’ :P)… it’s just understanding…which has done all the talking.
We had windows into each others' minds before we met. Of course, the real world is different, and it contains the very real possibility of turning virtual friendships into quietly shushed embarrassments of other’s experiences. But it was simple to be friends.
So placid is he that he'll pacify anyone with his wise talking, is wiser than he seems at first sight and an absolute chatter-box... Just switch ON this chap n he has the potential to talk for hours…but it’s actually great to listen to him with just one word contribution of yours n that is…hmmm…
So much that, he’ll forget he had to take food when he was busy talking...Hehe...but I like that…at least for a person like me who talk less there must be equilibrium attained. Lol!!

But on a serious note..ahem… nicest of human being I have met so far..very few have such great thoughts like this cruel world where everybody is running rat race, he’s the person who’ll find time to help others..likewise, Ready to listen and to give advice about all absurdities… No doubt, people have chosen you to be the content developer..u rock!!
A perfect person for a perfect place-The Ultimate Serene Beauty..Yooo!!!
Me cool, u Fool
Jerry the rocker, Tom the shocker
And we Rock…yay!!!
God bless :)
Needless to say I survived the initial depression this year and things are looking much shinier.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
School Of Life
Let me discuss the Uncertainty principle… not the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle but life’s uncertainty principle from my angle.
What is life? Who are you? And why are you here?
Once, was asked, a simple question, “Who are you”. Appeared a simple question, but couldn’t answer.
These questions bug me sometimes.
Life is so uncertain, and all you can do is nothing.
It’s full of happiness, sorrow, excitement, regret, anger, love,hate at one or other hour.Life without uncertainty is also no life. We are constantly living with some uncertainty in our respective lives. What I have been observing is that uncertainty keeps progressing with the complexity of life.
But on second thought, It feels, the more uncertain when life becomes, the more potential it acquires.. to emerge differently.
The more uncertain are the times for you, the fuller you are living your life. isnt it? You are living your life !!
Seen the movie ‘School of life’ lately- really inspiring.
Life is moving with a great pace. At times, I pause to realize that this particular time is never going to be back in life. Like these past three months, as if was one day and spent in blink of eye, but if I sit to evaluate... it was really something.
It has been changing and it is… even today. The Life!
Everything is getting cleared slowly but steadily.
Days are passing without a halt. God has the best time-table ever made . its going on and on....the flow somehow only slowing for a weekend to some extent. Again it picks the speed and keeps flowing. But the thing is whether this is part of everybody’s life even if they accept it or not OR is it me only?
Otherwise Life is good and I am happy. And like I said before, it’s full of uncertainties… just that…
Embrace it, live it!!
Uncertainty and expectation are the joys of life. Security is an insipid thing, through the overtaking and possessing of a wish discovers the folly of the chase.
William Congreve
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy New Year!
I’d set myself for writing no. of times past these days, perhaps lacked motivation to present it. Anyways...
Here’s wishing everybody a very happy new year!!! May we all achieve best in everything we do..
A heavy blanket of fog engulfed the capital, visibility levels reaching minimal early morning and evenings and disrupting several flight and train schedules. Met officials said the foggy conditions would continue in the coming days. whatever, I m enjoying my daily coffee doses, my 9-10-11 hours course of sleep.
“This winter makes me lazy
And a cup of coffee makes me crazy”
Chilly foggy winters is typically a usual Delhi winter scene. But it’s proposed as “dilli-ki-sardi” I don’t see any point in it as it’s a normal-n-a- typical-north-Indian winter.
So how do I survive in it? Well, usually I (and all DU students) happen to be blessed this season with holidays. I have liked holidays earlier, but this time..not really. May be, these passing days are hinting towards the end of my post-grad days and it looks, I m already nostalgic...
- I’ll miss the classroom teaching
- I’ll miss doing practicals under supervision of Profs.
- I’ll miss reaching daily 8:45 for the class (which I used to hate)
- I’ll miss all those places where I used to get my stuff Xeroxed
- I’d also miss the famous trio “Arun-shailey-Manu” sir n they taking MSc.’s as a funny joke
- I’d also miss Dr. Anjali sood, shouting at us all the time (n we giggling during the course)
- Miss room no. 37 and 210
- Yea, I won’t miss my anatomy pracs for sure (which gave me some weary n teary times, ufff I hate making slides!! )
- I’ll also not miss making files for sure.
- Places like K-Nags (kamla nagar ..:P), Arts Faculty premises, Jai Jawan juice corner, our Hindu ki famous library.. or the very secret corner on the top floor of CSL library..awesome!! (a place to chit-chat and of-course to study .. )
Still have couple of months, hope to get best out of it.
After I had my breakfast, I took my bicycle to reach to my dept.Today, I dint hit anybody like I was doing for two consecutive days. On my ...
The news has already rocked across nations and by now it seems all the fun & excitement is almost over regarding celebrations and time o...