Monday, May 26, 2008

A ride in Metro..

Well today I had nothing really interesting than the idea of sharing my experience during a regular eventful Metro train ride.

I must first admit that Delhi govt. has done a commendable job in launching this service for its people. It has become like a lifeline to thousands of people like me, office goers, college students, general public.

But, today it will be different, as I am not at all going to share good things about it rather some weird unsaid facts.. (hehe)

Journey starts at the checking counter where one get to see typical khaki-uniform clad men and women (rather woman) oh..did I mention they are policemen..i call ‘em aunty and uncle’s..

Aunty asks me to get my bag checked all over again n again till the moment she gets satisfied by her quest that I really don’t possess any of the unlikely things..i rem one day how she got upto checking even my lunch-box..uff..that was the height!!

Then comes the most irritating job..SCANNING the human body (manually)..i find it totally not-to-be-done-at-any-cost thing especially for a person like me who is tickling-sensitive
(God bless me n others who shares this common problem)..i am always laughing after the checking session n then she always passes me an idiotic smile..but cant help it ( I should CO-operate)

After all that harrowing act, you manage to enter the train somehow when “Seat-grabbers” comes into action.
[CAUTION: they are mostly aunty n uncles in their mid 40’s and BEWARE ..they can hit you anywhere]
People will try all the possible tricks on earth to get a seat,especiall at Rajiv Chowk(the most crowded station)

Then, we have those with all sorts of phobias, right from the escalators to the fear of the metro doors closing on them, to the token machine closing on their sides. These people not only make you miserable but demand that you be understanding about it!!

Another species of Metro monsters are those who will stand at the doors in order to run as soon as the train halts so as to place themselves first on the escalators as if they are somewhere in a marathon!! :D

Aunty’s make a great story too..i mean they will come with their boisterious kids n will let them do whatever they want to..they may run over your shoes,will jump,run throughout the train, they can even hang themselves swaying like idiots boasting of doing like this in America..non-sense!! But God forbid, I pray no one sits with any of aunty because if you happens to be sitting with one of them..they will try to pass their time by generally asking “in which college are you beta”..what course you are pursuing..n then there’s no ending..they ‘ll come down to family level..

Sometimes when u are really not interested n just want to have a nap during your ride, a mobile ring tone will u wake u up ..she will spill the entire gossip of her neighbour over the compartment!

Adding to the agony, are the ongoing never-ending announcements, okay I agreed, it is important but it rilly piss you off sometimes especially during long ride. they will warn you against pick-pockets,not eating drinking aboard….........

Its not over yet, I rem how once I got to listen the world’s most awful ringtone..a 30-something bhaiya was standing n I was half-asleep when I suddenly woke up to this horrible ringtone(prolly loudest of all I heard in my 21 yrs) of some folk-song( I dont rem the song).

Whatever, Metro is a boon to the public transport in Delhi. This was just the other side of coin OTHERWISE its fun to be going in it! Yea.

Enjoy the ride!!!
Hehe ;)


Anonymous said...

u write beautifully :)

Aseem Rambani said...

heyy..indeed nice one :)

i duly enjoyed though already got to know about all such grievances you pass through daily.hmmm..

good one..

Geetanjali Yadav said...

@ anonymous
thanx..cudn't recognise u..

heyy..thanks for motivating me as always :):)

Anonymous said...

heyy geetzz, how u doing ??

where r u these dayz..
very fine work of writing waise.


i just read ur blog for d first time(through aseem).. i must say a nice post..

Geetanjali Yadav said...

@ anonymous 2
thanx yaar..m doin grreat!!

@ saurabh
hey..thanx so much!! :D

Anonymous said...

wat else should i say. first of all,as everybdys else comments 'nice peice of writting'.
n now....a vry hillarious one, i was rolling holding my stomach,wishing that if u would hav been there wid m....hw mch we would laugh on this conversation
truely said,aunties r d most irritating creatures in metros.
once again.this one was awesome!!!

Geetanjali Yadav said...

hehe.."aunty's" :P:P

thnx a lot dost :):)

Unknown said...

i read three of them they are very nice...i can visualise all the tht independance day wala incident..good gitzzz u rock again as usual keep it up..i ll read rest of ur blogs tomorrow...

Unknown said...

hey geet commendable yaar very well written ......... i totally agree wd u!!!!!!!!!!!
