Sunday, March 23, 2014


Few things I have observed in the previous week that deserve worth mentioning are:

1. Bournvita Milk

Since I am a die hard Milk lover, I have devised certain ways as to how to make my favorite drink even more delicious. One way is to supplement it with the chocolate Bournvita. Umm....Thanks to Cadbury's! Just milk with B'vita isn't enough, how I do it let me explain. So, I start with boiling milk. Boil it to have it giving out big ripples and froth. This way the water in it is evaporated and the milk becomes even more viscous. You know your milk is boiled but you dont have to remove it from the burner. Keep the vessel lying over there after covering it with a lid. This is to ensure that the milk boils in low flame or just with the heat for some time for a bit longer time. This way you get a thick layer of cream on it, so much thick that you can literally chew it. Umm..that is the best form of consuming milk. Now take the milk in a glass and add 1 and half spoon of B'vita and sugar as much as you like it. Stir it properly. You see its color is chocolate brown and looks delicious. Sip it, lick it and feel it! :D

2.  Powdered Milk

One fine afternoon, when it started to crave for something sweet, I looked everywhere in my room to find something sweet. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything great. There my gaze went on the shelf where I had kept dried Milk powder to make tea. I immediately opened the lid of the vessel and put one spoon of the condensed milk  in my mouth. Ummmm...believe you me, that is the best thing. Thanks to AMul and Nestle! Immediately my eyes were close. I experienced a state of utopia. I didn't want anything else in my life that time. From one spoon it started and kept going on and on. When I was done I saw the box was empty.

Worth a try!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Self-Motivation: The Key

What I immediately need to do it is  re-orient myself. Focus is very important. It keeps going and coming. In a set of environments like this, where you live far far away from home in a company of different people, the key factor which needs to be kept alive is Self-motivation. I remember how I used to think differently when Sir(my Guide) used to say this in the beginning about Self-motivation. I used to perceive it as a motivational speech or dialogue that every Professor gives to his students. But, now I realize what he meant when he told all that. A midst all circumstances, good, not-so-good, the question is how to alwayd keep the fire burning. How to always keep yourself motivated? Certainly one time or other you will get dull for xyz reason and then all you do is stop doing things. It is like you enter a lag phase where all you do is save your energy and try to cope up with the adverse conditions outside. I dont want this lag phase for myself. Is it too difficult to achieve? What is the funda..the master cocktail? 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bakar Post

So this is a Sunday (late) morning and like everyone in this world, I too plan to spend it lavishly. Yesterday, it was hectic. My PhD supervisor is a wonderful gentleman, he is different, different in a good way from all the people I know. For a sabbatical, he's gone to teach in Columbia University, US for 6 months after getting a Nehru Full-Bright Scholarship. That's indeed an achievement. If I was not his student and then if my guide was gone, I would have been really happy as I would get to live peaceful 6 months of my life. But he's superb so I wont have this feeling. Anyways, so once he's gone there we have Lab presentations over SKYPE every fortnight. Yesterday was also one such night. Day was spent preparing slides, evening over Hall Day in Sancharini di's Hall and night with sir. It was all so good. The hall day was experience was also good especially because di's parents have also joined in. I felt so good and remembered my parents.

Okay, so here I am today, all charged only to find everything else is so quiet. Yes, everything is so quiet. Like everyone is sleeping in the day. I wish I get to live in one such surrounding where whenever I wake up, I get to hear some really good music playing around me. It really charges me up. On the contrary, my roomie is STUDYING... O God, who study on a Sunday morning when the mid-semester exams just got over. Anyways, I think I have so much to tell about her that I can write a post dedicating to her :) She is different :D So , now what I ' ll do is watch Mahabharat...Yes! I am addicted to it. I did not see it when I was young, guess I was really young that time but everyone else around me seem to have seen it already. But koi ni, better late than never. Umm, after that lets see..May be I should go for jogging..Umm  I have no idea what to do.. Lets see


Of late, I have come to in sense with the fact that life, the true one, can be led by your divine indivisible soul who chants peace only when you constantly make connection with it. Mass and energy balance is everywhere even when you go. What is left is that invisible energy and invisible consciousness. Ultimately, the truth lies in being you. You have to be true for you are being watched up above by the super powers, one that can sweep you off from the feet. There is definitely a super power that I believe in and fear. I have come to realize, all the laws that says the matter and everything in this world strive to attain equilibrium is true. Equilibrium is the state. But much above this, lies your conscience that can give you the treasure that surpasses all forms of peace and that is the true equilibrium. Awaken the consciousness in you and be blessed . That is the only way. Give me the power o Lord! 
