The title of my post is a very innocent question asked to a newly formed friend of mine.
Pat comes her reply," Yea, Isnt that cool?"
Now I just smiled to it and we changed the topic. I m talking about the social habits in us like "Drinkin and Smokin". Pics of people hanging out with a glass of alcohol and a ciagrette in other hand is so common. Being "social" as they say comes only if they have to do all this? I just wonder if thats really exciting..I find excitement even in a simple tea which is served on a roadside chai ki shop..
I met this guy in train on my way to Bangalore, he works in Infosys, I saw him going out of our chamber every one hour.Every time it took him around 10 minutes to return back and he was always carrying this smell of smoke with him. He tried his best to not let anyone having a hint about his habit by chewing mint or chewing gum but I was smart enough to trace :P and couldn't resist myself and asked him why he smokes this much? ( I know I shouldn't be asking that but coudn't help).
Initially, he was surprised as to how I came to know about it as we hardly talked in the whole journey but afterwards he shared me the reason how he survives working so hard all day in front of the screen and then their only stressbuster is used to be a pack of ciagrettes.
I really felt pity on him and smiled (again) secretly...
I dont really find it offensive to drink or smoke.. but, sometimes its something you can't help but do and otherwise its the only thing you can do.
The choice is yours~