Sunday, February 3, 2008

Beginner's beginning..

my firrst blog :)

too many things to tell,probably m not as good in expressing as my frens ;)..thats what arrested me from writin. neways..i ll try defintly.. typical Arian of me!!

know,after spending 5 days a week in those labs all my juices get squeezed up fr THE saturday which i think has become most gifted,most awaited day of my life. i think one can take its chromatographic sample to view what all i did last week..huh!!

but then how n with what velocity it says tata to knows!!

ws supposed to present a seminar on teh last frriday..wen all hell broke..n it just cudn't happen..alas! but okay..sir financed tea for everybody..tht ws simply too cool ..yea.

gearin up totally fr tuesday..what special??? aNother presentation,what else..but i simply enjoy!! especially the range of questions m fired after all the stuff!!

all the best Geetanjali!! :)
